File: Ros.rsc
Note: This file is identical to PARTY.DAT, any additional information will be listed there.
[ Show hex values ] [ Show length ]
Offset | Type | Description | |
From | To | ||
0 | Byte | nameLength | |
1 | 15 | String | name |
16 | Byte | raceLength | |
17 | 31 | String | race |
32 | Byte | levelDescriptionLength | |
33 | 47 | String | levelDescription |
48 | 49 | Integer | activeStatus |
50 | 51 | Integer | level |
52 | 57 | ??? | Unknown |
58 | 59 | Integer | class |
60 | 71 | ??? | Unknown |
72 | 73 | Integer | weaponSwings |
74 | 75 | Integer | bowShots |
76 | 79 | ??? | Unknown |
80 | 81 | Integer | movement |
82 | Byte | inventryItemCount | |
83 | Byte | Unknown | |
84 | 89 | Real | experience |
90 | 95 | Real | gold |
96 | 97 | ??? | Unknown |
98 | 99 | Integer | pickLocks |
100 | 101 | Integer | disarmTraps |
102 | 103 | Integer | deadlyStrike |
104 | 105 | Integer | trading |
106 | 107 | Integer | readRunes |
108 | 109 | Integer | unarmedCombat |
110 | 111 | Integer | handheldArms |
112 | 113 | Integer | bows |
114 | 115 | Integer | identify |
116 | 117 | Integer | defence |
118 | 119 | Integer | hitPointsMax |
120 | 121 | Integer | damage |
122 | 123 | Integer | spellPointsMax |
124 | 125 | Integer | spellPoints |
126 | Byte | strength | |
127 | Byte | agility | |
128 | Byte | constitution | |
129 | Byte | intelligence | |
130 | Byte | wisdom | |
131 | Byte | presence | |
132 | Byte | memory | |
133 | Byte | reason | |
134 | 153 | ??? | Unknown |
154 | 155 | Integer | strengthStatBonus |
156 | 157 | Integer | agilityStatBonus |
158 | 159 | Integer | constitutionStatBonus |
160 | 161 | Integer | intelligenceStatBonus |
162 | 163 | Integer | wisdomStatBonus |
164 | 165 | Integer | presenceStatBonus |
166 | 167 | Integer | memoryStatBonus |
168 | 169 | Integer | reasonStatBonus |
170 | 171 | Integer | strengthTotalBonus |
172 | 173 | Integer | agilityTotalBonus |
174 | 175 | Integer | constitutionTotalBonus |
176 | 177 | Integer | intelligenceTotalBonus |
178 | 179 | Integer | wisdomTotalBonus |
180 | 181 | Integer | presenceTotalBonus |
182 | 183 | Integer | memoryTotalBonus |
184 | 185 | Integer | reasonTotalBonus |
186 | 221 | ??? | Unknown |
Items in inventory. 20 blocks in total, each block 79 bytes in length. | |||
222 | 300 | String | Item in inventory, format equal to ITEM.DAT file |
Equipped status of items in inventory. 20 blocks in total, each block 1 byte in length. | |||
1782 | Byte | Item in inventory equipped? | |
Identified status of items in inventory. 20 blocks in total, each block 1 byte in length. | |||
1802 | Byte | Item in inventory identified? | |
1822 | 1823 | Integer | fireResistance |
1824 | 1825 | Integer | coldResistance |
1826 | 1827 | Integer | waterResistance |
1828 | 1829 | Integer | mindResistance |
1830 | 1831 | Integer | shockResistance |
1832 | 1833 | Integer | detectTraps |
1834 | 1835 | Integer | perception |
1836 | 1837 | Integer | mythicLore |
1838 | 1839 | Integer | spellList |
1840 | 1841 | Integer | woodsLore |
1842 | 1843 | Integer | mountaineering |
1844 | Byte | portrait | |
1845 | 1857 | ??? | Unknown |
1858 | Byte | bookOfFaith | |
1859 | Byte | bookOfInvocation | |
1860 | Byte | bookOfRedemption | |
1861 | Byte | displineOfUniversalArcanum | |
1862 | Byte | elementalDiscipline | |
1863 | Byte | disciplineOfChronometry | |
1864 | Byte | disciplineOfTransmogrification | |
1865 | Byte | disciplineOfSorcery | |
1866 | Byte | disciplineOfMentalAcuity | |
1867 | Byte | disciplineOfConjuration | |
1868 | Byte | sylvanMagick | |
1869 | Byte | pathOfTheAshikari | |
1870 | Byte | theSwordOfRighteousness | |
1871 | Byte | songsOfTheMinstrel | |
1872 | 1885 | ??? | Unknown |
[ Show hex values ] [ Show length ]
Note: Integer = Unsigned short (16 bit, little endian) Bytes = Signed byte Real = 48 bits/6 byte (Turbo Pascal) Real (a floating point type)
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